Gym Enroll

How many you need? No Sign Up Fees....Like Ever. Cheaper this way 😉

One Person 29.99/month

FULL 24/7 ACCESS!! ALL Fitness Classes (No Limit), Open Sports Section, Batting Cages Included. NO HOLDBACKS!

2 People 54.98/Month (5.00 Discount)

Save 60.00 off your second membership by having a Battle Buddy! Plus UNLIMITED EVERYTHING! 24/7 BABY!!

3 People 74.97/Month (15.00 Discount)

Save 180.00! Still 24/7 and Unlimited everything. By far the best savings. Don't Believe me? Check us out. Bwahahahahaha....


  1. Pick the option you want.
  2. Fill out the form and put the individuals you are signing in the spaces provided.
  3. Put the correct price in the Amount box FOR THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE YOU ARE SIGNING.
  4. You will enter your info twice when prompted for verification.
  5. You will be taken to a receipt page with your 4 digit code for the door and instructions on how to get in INSTANTLY.
  6. Give Us Two Months Notice when you need to cancel.
  7. Work out
  8. Lose Weight
  9. Achieve All your Dreams

Get INSTANT Access when you become a member. LIKE.....AS IN NOW!

Easy to Sign.........Easy to Cancel. And when we say EASY.......FEEL 5 Lbs. lighter when you sign with us. ~JUST FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS~ 5 Minutes Tops! BOOOOMMM! Got questions? Text me, the owner, directly at
(314) 750-1182


The Client Student understands and agrees that strict observation of the rules and regulations relative to fitness training/weight lifting/sports training, including the use of protective equipment, is required and that the use of facilities and the Clients presence at the Classroom are at the sole risk of the Client.  It is understood and agreed by the Client that personal training/weight lifting/obstacle course/sports trainings and fitness instruction/classes involves moving of heavy objects/defensive and offensive skills, obstacle training and training which include violent and sudden movements and that in connection with the training and instruction sessions, there will be physical contact between instructors/trainers and between and among the students/teammates/members themselves and that such contact may result in personal injury/death despite the best intentions and following adequate precautions.  The Client agrees that K4 FITNESS LLC and its instructors, agents, employees, trainers and authorized representatives, shall not be responsible for and are hereby released from any liability, claim, loss, including loss of property, damage, personal injury, death or expense incurred by a Client or anyone claiming through a Client, or related to any activity connected with K4 FITNESS LLC including, but not limited to, any caused by the negligence or gross negligence of K4 FITNESS LLC or its instructors, students, agents, employees, operators, or authorized representatives. The client understands that classes/instruction/training will be in a group setting and therefore the client releases all liability pertaining to viruses, sickness, colds or any pathogen transferred to or from during the facility/ training/ classes/ instruction.

Photo Consent Form

I hereby grant K4 FITNESS LLC

permission to use my likeness in a photograph in any and all of its publications, including website entries, without payment or any other consideration.  I understand and agree that these materials will become the property K4 FITNESS LLC and will not be returned.  I hereby irrevocably authorize K4 FITNESS LLC to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish or distribute this photo for purposes of publicizing HAPKIDO PLUS LLC programs or for any other lawful purpose.  In addition, I waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written or electronic copy, wherein my likeness appears.  Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the photograph.  I hereby hold harmless and release and forever discharge K4 FITNESS LLC from all claims, demands, and causes of action which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, or any other persons acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate have or may have by reason of this authorization.


 Monthly payments are to begin on The 5th of every month and are to be made on that day on each consecutive month directly automatically via our payment system payable to K4 Fitness LLC. Once you complete this form you will be entered in our automated payment system for a monthly charge. K4 Fitness has a 60 Day cancellation policy, billed upon cancellation which can be via text (3147501182) or by Phone at 636 456 KICK (5425).  A late charge of 25.00 will be due for any payment ten (10) days past due form the 5th (“grace period”).